Calgary 420
Written by
Thursday, 15 August 2013 15:48 |
By now you should of heard the Liberal Party of Canada leader Justin Trudeau speak out publicly in favour of ending decades of criminal prohibition of cannabis.
Join the Liberal Party’s call for an end to marijuana prohibition.
The status quo isn’t working. It’s time to regulate and legalize marijuana. Sign the petition if you agree.
Marijuana prohibition is costly and unsafe. That’s why the Liberal Party supports legalizing and regulating marijuana. Stephen Harper keeps fighting a failed war on drugs that has resulted in more than 475,000 Canadians being arrested on marijuana-related charges. And while gangsters and thugs get rich dealing marijuana, prohibition has cost Canadian taxpayers more than $500 million (est.) since 2006. Liberals believe in a smart on crime approach, targeting real criminals instead of ordinary Canadians. |
Scientific evidence and history have proven beyond any doubt prohibition is far more harmful to our own communities then a responsible adult growing and consuming a cannabis plant has ever been or ever could be. There are many quality drug policy studies over the last eleven decades now that have concluded cannabis prohibition is costly, unsafe. Prohibition has never has come close to prohibition supporters claimed desired results of a drug free society at any cost including millions of people being killed to date. Although there have been drug policy studies around the world including in Canada released since the holy grail for cannabis drug policy in Canada was release on September 4, 2002. Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, entitled: “Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy” Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party are now being responsible rational adults. We all to need to do the same even if we don’t like that type of drug policy change. Science, evidence and even history have proven change will be all so much better for all out communities for a large host of reasons. Best case for 2015 would be to copy the beer and wine regulations. Produce your own and share with friends and family. Also allows for micro grows to large corporations. Micro breweries and wineries have been able to secure a profitable piece of the market. No reason cannabis can't do the same if not better. Also the vast amount of research that this encourage would be incredible to say the least. As for the very destructive drug alcohol, prohibition only provided violent crime organization to become very powerful and unstoppable. Our governments should be ending alcohol advertising with the strong messaging, consume our products and you will be popular with the pretty people crowd and of course enjoy yourself all so much more.
Last Updated on Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:05 |
Written by
Saturday, 01 June 2013 11:08 |

Thursday May 23, 2013 - Canadian Drug Policy Coalition - Last week, we released our first report on the state of Canadian drug policy. Entitled "Getting to Tomorrow: A Report on Canadian Drug Policy", it examines the overwhelming failure of Canada's drug laws and provides recommendations on how we can improve the health and safety of Canadians when it comes to drugs. Please download it, read it and share it.
At the beginning of the report you will find the recommendations we have made, which include the regulation of cannabis, the decriminalization of other drugs, the scaling-up of harm reduction services, and the expansion of overdose prevention strategies, among others.
In the coming year we will be working hard to advocate and promote these recommendations. If you would like to help make this happen, please consider making a donation to CDPC. It will be greatly appreciated and your support makes our work possible.
One of our supporters has agreed to match all donations up to $5,000 over the coming months, so please consider making a tax-refundable donation to CDPC on our SFU secure donations page. Download Report The report release received ample coverage from the Canadian media, which included articles in major newspapers across the country, network television news segments and countless radio interviews. Overall, the response was positive and productive.
Read about it here:
Calgary Herald: Report calls for decriminalizing both 'hard' and 'soft' drugs
National Post: Canadian Drug Policy Coalition recommends decriminalizing hard drugs
CBC Radio: Decriminalizing Drugs
The Province: Harper government to stay tough on drugs |
Last Updated on Sunday, 02 June 2013 08:50 |
Written by
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 17:28 |
This years Global Marijuana March had 5 speakers and 4 were women Debbie Fagin, Lisa Mamakind Kirkman, Tamara Cartwright and Nadine Bews. The usual sponsors Bongs and Such, Grass Roots, Hemp Roots, The Next Level and a important new addition was Bob Erb 4 Herb.
Documented scientific evidence, glass art, t-shirts, caps, buttons, stickers, helium filled green Calgary 420 balloons, magazines and much more was on hand for the crowd attending this year. The number of people attending was way lower then past years excluding 2012 when the cold, wet, windy weather did have a negative affect on attendance. This years promotion efforts were limited to only 2 weeks
Norml Canada and Norml Women’s Alliance of Canada both had representative's attending and speaking. The Norml Canada banner lead the march this year with volunteers proudly holding the banner up on stage and during the march.
Global TV attended and the evening news broadcast was very positive with all the signs and the messages about being responsible adults and responsible politicians will make for safer communities!
Hardsparkle Sinsemilla crew were on hand after their adventure to Ottawa 420 where they posed on stage with Precious Chong for photos. 
A very interesting note was we won a battle we have fought (campaigned) for years for many public events in this city. No Calgary Police Service (CPS) what so ever for the the first time for all our public events in Calgary. The CPS were contacted and informed about the event as is done with all our public events.
2010 was the last year the City of Calgary send us a letter about a bylaw would not allow our events. The peaceful events have always gone ahead despite Calgary city hall politicians years of attempts to deny our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 2011 there was another noticeable shift in Calgary city policy when I did not receive the usual bylaw letter and the city had steel tables with attached chairs and shade umbrellas brought out earlier then usual to the city plaza area for our spring events no less. City hall security made sure to point out to me the tables were brought out early for us.
City of Calgary bylaw letter 2009. City of Calgary bylaw letter 2010.
Picture gallery here.
YouTube videos here and another here.
Last Updated on Friday, 10 May 2013 09:41 |
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Featured Links
Sensible BC
Sensible BC proposes an amendment to the Police Act, instructing police not to spend any time, money or resources on cases of simple possession of cannabis.
NORML Women's Alliance of Canada
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Women's Alliance of Canada.
DrugSense: Drug Law Reform
Web portal for DrugSense - Media Awareness Project (MAP) - Drug Policy Central (DPC)
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies.
Community Forum:
- Is This The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Dru... - admin Friday, 30 August 2013 09:43 - [0 replies]
- Viewpoint: How Marijuana Decision Could Signal Tur... - admin Friday, 30 August 2013 09:40 - [0 replies]
- The New Politics of Marijuana Legalization: - admin Thursday, 29 August 2013 20:48 - [0 replies]
- Smarter on crime - admin Thursday, 29 August 2013 16:17 - [0 replies]
- Marijuana tickets foolish, pro-legalization lawyer... - Debbie Thursday, 29 August 2013 13:44 - [0 replies]
- Should pot be decriminalized? - Debbie Thursday, 29 August 2013 09:08 - [0 replies]
- Ticketing pot smokers a farce, says Ottawa marijua... - Debbie Wednesday, 28 August 2013 13:38 - [0 replies]
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- Redford: ‘Marijuana is a gateway drug’, won’t supp... - Debbie Monday, 26 August 2013 20:49 - [1 reply]
- Time to admit war on drugs a bust - admin Monday, 26 August 2013 11:28 - [0 replies]
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